The site "", hereinafter referred to as "the Site", is a portal making its data accessible to Internet users.
Any person accessing the contents of the Site accepts and undertakes to comply, without restriction or reservation, with the present general conditions of use in force. Société d'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel, hereinafter referred to as "SETE", reserves the right to modify these general conditions of use at any time and without prior notice.


The purpose of these general conditions of use is to define the terms and conditions for accessing and reusing the content and data on the Site.

Intellectual property and reuse

General site structure:
The overall structure of the Site is the exclusive property of SETE.

Brands and logos

The trademarks of SETE and its partners, as well as the logos appearing on the Site, are registered with the Institut National de la Propriété Intellectuelle and are therefore protected by intellectual property rights.


The term "Resources" includes all content presented in the Site's resource center, in particular still or animated images, screenshots, illustrations, texts and works in full or in excerpts, and sound files.
Reuse is subject to prior application directly to the rights holders, the copyright management companies representing them or, where applicable, SETE.

Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the trademarks, logos and resources on the Site without the express authorization of SETE or their owner is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement under the French Intellectual Property Code.


The Site may provide hypertext links to websites published by third parties and references to other websites. These links or references do not constitute approval or validation of their content. The Site Editor shall in no event be held liable for the content of said sites, nor for any damage or loss arising therefrom.
Furthermore, as the Publisher has no means of controlling or monitoring the referenced sites or their changes or updates, the provision of hypertext links does not give rise to any obligation whatsoever on its part.
The creation of hypertext links to the Site is free, provided that it does not infringe the material or moral interests of SETE, that it does not create confusion as to the source of the content, and that it is done in compliance with the laws in force, in particular copyright law.

Liability and erratum

The Site and its features may be temporarily unavailable, and SETE undertakes to restore the service as soon as possible. Likewise, SETE may, without prior notice, notification or compensation, modify the Service, its content and/or its access conditions.
SETE may not be held liable for direct or indirect, foreseeable or unforeseeable damage, such as loss of earnings or profits, loss of data, loss of equipment or costs of repair, recovery or reproduction resulting from the use and/or inability to use the services and content of the Site.
Despite the care and control of the Site's editorial team, unintentional errors or omissions may remain on the Site. Any person wishing to make a comment or complaint to SETE may use the contact form provided for this purpose.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

These general terms and conditions of use are governed in their entirety by French law and subject to French jurisdiction. In the event of a dispute, the Internet user and SETE will endeavor to resolve the matter amicably. Failing this, they acknowledge the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent Paris courts.


The Site respects copyright. All rights of authors of protected works reproduced and communicated on this site, are reserved.
Photo credits:

© Jérôme Aoustin

© Carlos Ayesta

© Pierre Bideau

© Bertrand Bozon 

© Alexis Raimbault

© Jérôme Schlichter